The SMS12 system works best with dairies that scrape or vacuum their alleys and the manure remains undiluted until it enters the system.


Sand separation never has been a one-size-fits-all system. In some cases, the best solution for the dairy is the SMS12. This system uses the basic principles of sand separation — gravity settling along with high G-forces — to separate sand and create a reusable bedding product in an economical way.  It is ideally suited for dairies that are bedding on sand, have fewer than 700 cows and are looking for a solution for sand separation.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 SMS12系统是如何工作的

Sand-laden manure from the barns and alleys is first brought into a reception pit. 从接待处, the manure is pumped into a conditioning box w在这里 hydrocyclone overflow is also added. 这两种物质结合在一起就产生了稀释的肥料, which flows into the rotary drum separator for fiber and debris removal. The water and sand that flow through the screen into the sump are pumped to the Hydrocyclone. The Hydrocyclone separates the sand and drops it into the sand washer for cleaning and rinsing. Excess liquid from the system combine with the fibers that were removed earlier and are pumped to a storage location. 干净的沙子 discharges from the sand washer onto an optional dewatering screen, w在这里 a significant portion of the water is removed. Sand discharges from the sand washer at about 20% moisture content and from the screen at about 12% moisture content. The overall sand recovery from this type of system can be as high as 90% or more.   

为什么选择菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 SMS12系统

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 produces the most innovative and economical equipment and systems for recycling sand bedding. One of our strengths is that we can work with nearly any type of manure system. 现在, 加上SMS12系统, we can work with nearly any size dairy to design a system with a great ROI.

使用SMS12系统, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has developed the first mechanical sand separation system tailored specifically for dairies with fewer than 700 cows. 事实上, the ROI on this system is so good that dairies with as few as 200 cows should consider installing the SMS12 system to recapture and reuse their sand bedding.

All 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 sand separation systems can achieve recovery rates of more than 90% if managed properly and washed concrete sand is used as bedding. This high-quality recovered sand can quickly be reused as bedding with minimal conditioning.



This system was specifically designed and built to be affordable for dairies that are milking fewer than 500 cows and scraping their manure to a reception pit. This system will process about 15 gpm of sand-laden manure. Assuming typical manure production volumes per cow, this comes out to around 35 cows worth of manure per hour. 从另一个角度来看, a 350 cow herd would operate the system for 10 hours per day to process all the manure produced from its herd. 

这个系统是由 相当标准的组件, 包括一台洗砂机, 转鼓分离机, S209水力旋流器, 3 x3的泵, 电气控制, 支持 Structural and optional 脱水 Screen, 其中很多都有库存. 其他必需的项目包括一个活塞泵, 泵转储, 搅拌器, 水管及电线, 混凝土和建筑. 该系统是作为一个整体出售的. 接触菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 或者我们的 经销商 当前价格.

The best sand to use is a washed concrete sand, which has minimal fines and is usually readily available. It also must conform to certain specifications regarding particle sizes, which is important for sand recovery and reuse. 这是一个 图表 showing the particle size ranges that an ASTM C33 concrete sand falls within. 不确定你的沙子是否在这个范围内? 首先,打电话给你的供应商了解规格. If they can’t help you out, we offer particle size distribution analysis in our lab.

Fresh water is added several places in the system. The rotary screen has an automated clean-in-place system that keeps the screen clean. The sand washer has a spray bar that rinses the sand as it is conveyed out of the machine. In addition to this, some extra water is added to the sand washer. This additional water can either be fresh water or washdown water from the parlor. The total amount varies, but all these combined add about 3-5 gpm while the system is operating.

The SMS12 system has a relatively small footprint. We have a standard layout and general arrangement drawing for this system. 点击 在这里 要访问此绘图. 

这取决于你的奶制品的位置. If the temperature falls below freezing in your area, 然后是的, you will need to house the system inside a heated building. If not, then it can be installed outside without any problems. The building footprint for a basic system is 30’x30’ with 20’ eaves. This basic layout doesn't include an inside sand stacking area.  

The SMS12 system is suited best for dairies that are bedding on sand, 刮或吸尘他们的粪便, 而且只有不到700头牛.

特性 & 好处
  • 低成本
  • 高采砂率
  • 干净的沙子
  • 占用空间小
  • 总马力低
  • 维修费用低
  • 高投资回报率
  • 快速安装和设置


Our customer service team is 在这里 to help you 24/7. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.