
床上干燥机减少水分含量在沙子和粪便床上使用相对简单和成熟的旋转干燥技术. 干燥床上用品需要很少或不需要调节,可以在床上用品烘干机排出后立即使用.



Drier bedding means less moisture is brought into the barns and freestalls. Since moisture is one of the three things needed for bacterial growth, 减少它也会减少细菌的生长能力,为奶牛创造一个更健康的环境.

床上用品烘干机 are well-suited for a wide variety of applications. 一些可以用床上用品干燥机干燥的许多材料包括粪便固体床上用品, 沙床上用品, 造纸厂污泥, organic material and chicken litter.


床上用品干燥机采用旋转干燥技术,以减少在独立式床上用品的水分含量. 的 wet bedding is introduced into the system along with heat and air. 当物料在床上用品烘干机中翻滚时,热量和空气将水分抽出. 最后收集干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时排出空气和水分.

Bedding Dryer systems contain several key components. 的 burner and furnace provide a consistent heat source. 绝缘滚筒, which contains lifters and flighting, lifts the material as it rotates and showers it into the heated air. 的 combination air flow moves the material through the drum to the discharge end, where a product collector allows the dried material to settle out of the air stream. 空气继续形成气旋, 在小, lighter material drops out and the heated air is exhausted.

A consistent feed is important for the system's operation, 因此,使用料斗和输送系统来计量进入烘干机的床上物料的正确数量. At the discharge end, a conveyor system is used to move and stack the dried bedding.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全床上用品烘干机的设计和制造具有最佳的热效率,以保持运行成本尽可能低. 床上用品在烘干机中保留足够长的时间,以去除水分并在退出系统之前达到最大限度的病原体杀死.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全床上用品烘干机系统中的高温快速有效地降低水分并杀死导致奶牛健康状况不佳和牛奶质量低的病原体. 的 result is cleaner, 干燥床上用品 that can be reused instantly. 在谷仓里, the freestalls are cleaner and more comfortable, 最终使奶牛更健康,产奶量更高,体细胞计数更低.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全床上用品烘干机系统设计快速,易于安装,成本最低. Multiple sizes and many options are available to suit almost any drying need. 的 most common size systems arrive mounted on a frame. 简单地连接和水平的脚, mount the required ductwork and collectors, 接通电源, connect the energy source for heat, and you’re ready to produce cleaner, 干燥床上用品. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 床上用品烘干机 are flexible and can operate on natural gas, 丙烷, 柴油, or on biogas produced from anaerobic digestion.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 床上用品烘干机 require minimal operator interaction. 排气温度被监测,有助于指示材料的干燥程度. Once a target exit temperature is established and set, the system automatically adjusts to maintain that desired exit temperature, ensuring a consistent final product. To feed the system, a hopper supplies material to the dryer at a constant rate. 在出料时,输送机将成品移动到所需的存储位置. 的 finished product is ready for bedding with no further handling required.

Frequently Asked Questions about 床上用品烘干机


Drier bedding will improve milk quality and cow health. Bacteria need three things to survive: moisture, heat and food. 如果这三种物质中的任何一种被去除或减少,细菌的生存能力就会降低. 床上用品烘干机系统可以减少水分,在某些情况下实际上可以杀死床上用品中导致乳房健康状况不佳的细菌. For more information on dewatering and drying, listen to our Managing Sand Bedding for Healthy Cows 网络研讨会.


的 size of a Bedding Dryer system depends on these three things:

  1. 的 type of material that is being dried. Materials and the moisture that they contain behave differently in a drying system. 例如,沙子只含有表面水分,相对容易去除. 粪便纤维是有机的,不仅表面有水分,而且内部也有水分. 这种内部水分通常更难去除,需要更长的停留时间在床上用品烘干机内. 此外,与粪肥纤维不同,沙子不可燃,因此可以用更高的热量击中.
  2. 的 amount of material that is being dried. 这通常用吨每小时、立方英尺每小时或立方码每小时来衡量. 
  3. 的 time allowed for operating the system. 在某些情况下, the Bedding Dryer system will operate continuously 24/7, 但在其他情况下, it needs to operate during daylight hours, 每周五天. 在第二种情况下, if the same amount of material needs processed, a much larger Bedding Dryer system will be required. 

是的. 每个床上用品烘干机在入口和出口都有冗余传感器,以连续监测温度. If the temperature gets out of range, the burner automatically idles down. In the event of dangerously high temperatures, 燃烧器将关闭,电磁阀将打开,允许蒸汽或热水进入烘干机,并扑灭可能存在的任何火灾. 

的 单道床上用品烘干机 is the workhouse of the rotary drying world. As the name implies, material makes one pass through the drum. It enters at the inlet end, travels the length of the drum and exits. 单道旋转干燥机最常用于较重,粘性和更多的研磨材料.

的 三道床上用品烘干机 从外观上看,它和一次性床上用品烘干机很相似,但内部却大不相同. 的 triple-pass rotary dryer contains three drums in one: an external drum, and internal drum and an intermediate drum. Material enters the inlet of the internal drum. 它移动到放电端, 但不是释放, 它向外翻滚到中间鼓,在那里它被拉回入口. Once the material reaches the inlet end, it tumbles out to the outermost drum, where it travels once again to the outlet end. Once it gets to the outlet, the material exits the drum. This type of Bedding Dryer is good for lighter materials, such as manure fibers. 它允许较低的入口温度和风扇速度,但仍然提供一些材料所需的较长的保留时间. 

Some of the most common methods of drying bedding include fluidized bed dryers, 闪蒸管干燥机, infrared dryers and perforated bed dryers.

While each of these systems is capable of drying materials, here are the reasons why 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has chosen to use rotary dryers in their systems.

天然气和丙烷是最常用的燃料类型,用于操作床上用品烘干机, 但你也可以用No. 作为燃料来源的柴油. 如果你有沼气池和多余的沼气,你可以使用沼气,只要它是擦洗. 

通过床上用品烘干机从物料中蒸发的水量可能是显著的. 水以水蒸气的形式被吸入空气中,并通过排气管道排出系统. 的re are minimal residual fines and the exhaust can usually exit the system outside the building; it will look like a plume of water vapor. 在某些情况下 where the exhaust needs scrubbed further, a baghouse can be installed to clean any residual fines that may still be present.

  • Proven to be robust and efficient for optimum performance and long system life
  • 单通道或三通道旋转干燥机可在多种尺寸和配置,以适应大多数任何干燥的需要
  • 系统设计用于高效的除湿,操作界面最小,维护少
  • 较小的单元预组装和预连接在一个框架上,以便快速设置和安装
  • Outlet temperature is monitored and automatically adjusted
  • Unique bolt-on tire design minimizes downtime during tire replacement
  • One-piece furnace refractory ensures longer refractory life
  • 系统配备了自动灭火系统,以应对不太可能发生的高温/火灾情况


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